Diary Dates


At West Hill we fully embrace the concept of ‘maths mastery’ and teach a rich, balanced and progressive maths curriculum allowing all children to have opportunities to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area. In line with the national curriculum 2014, the curriculum at West Hill aims to ensure that all pupils:
• become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
• reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
• can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps

At West Hill Primary School, we are continuing to develop a mastery approach to teaching whereby all children have the opportunity to progress through new concepts. We introduce concepts using a range of manipulative resources (concrete) and representations (pictorial), which supports the children’s understanding, until they are ready to progress onto using mathematical equations (abstract). We structure our lessons in a series of carefully planned small steps that progress logically and allow all children to begin to make connections and generalisations.

Our teachers use the White Rose Scheme of work to plan and assess children. They supplement this scheme using NCTEM resources. Teachers personalise the planning and assess children’s understanding before they progress through the themes.

Alongside the White Rose scheme of work teachers plan maths meetings, which focus on key aspects of mathematical knowledge that needs to be fluent. Early work at the beginning of the day is also an opportunity for teachers to identify and cover misconceptions from previous learning.

Our children use stem sentences and mathematical terminology learned during daily vocabulary starters to articulate their reasoning and understanding. Throughout all lessons, children are in constant discussion with adults and their peers, which allows them to deepen their understanding and hone their reasoning skills. When concepts are secure, we challenge all children to apply what they have learned, to make generalisations, new connections, solve problems and identify patterns.

At West Hill, we recognise the importance of factual fluency and plan for this progressively on our long term/ medium term overviews, making time for the children to work on this collaboratively at the beginning of every lesson and independently during their task. In allowing this time each day, it is our aim that number facts will be stored in the children’s long-term memory and applied in both Maths and other curriculum areas, such as Science and Geography. To further encourage fluency skills at West Hill Primary School, we use Times Tables Rock Stars. During the lesson, teachers use targeted questioning, verbal feedback and self assessment strategies to check the children’s understanding, address misconceptions and move them on effectively. Marking and feedback celebrates the children’s successes and pin points areas which the children may need to develop, providing scaffolded support to achieve this where necessary.

As a team, we share an unwavering commitment to all children achieving their full potential and carefully differentiate our teaching so that all learners are supported and challenged. At West Hill School, differentiation is illustrated in a number of ways such as in the use of practical manipulatives and visuals, carefully planned small steps within the teaching input and tasks, stem sentences and key vocabulary word banks and allowing the children to record their understanding in a variety of ways.

We support and extend this understanding with the use of our learning environment. Each class has a Maths working wall, which includes an example of the teacher’s modelling from that lesson and key vocabulary.

Our pupils make routine use of their environment and use this to develop their independence and resilience and deepen their understanding.