Diary Dates

School Meals

At West Hill we are fortunate to have our own kitchen on the school site. Hot meals are freshly prepared each day and are paid for at least weekly.  The daily cost of a school lunch is £2.60

Payment for lunches MUST be made in advance, and your child’s lunch account must be in credit on a MONDAY for your child to be able to have lunches that week. Payment can be made in advance termly, half termly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly.  Payment is online through www.schoolmoney.co.uk. To log in you will need to make sure that we have your up to date contact details to receive a password by text and/or email.  If you are unable to pay online, please contact the school office for details about other ways to pay.

Currently, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals under a national scheme – Universal Free School Meals (UFSM).

Families on a low income are entitled to Free School Meals (FSM).  If you have children in Years 3-6 and you think you might be entitled to Free School Meals (FSM), please complete the form below and contact the office who will advise you of the procedure for applying.

School Meals- new Provider from September 2023

Allergy Form from September 2023

Children may bring packed lunches from home. We do not allow nuts or products containing nuts, fizzy drinks, juices, glass bottles, or sweets. All of the classes sit together for lunch in the main dining hall. The younger children in reception have their lunch first followed by Key Stage 1. After they have finished, Key Stage 2 have lunch together sitting in class groups and with friends. The children in the nursery eat their lunch in their classroom. If your child wishes to change from school dinners to packed lunch or vice versa, parents must give half a term’s written notice.

For tips about creating healthier lunchboxes, explore Change 4 Life’s website.

Milk Provision

Since February 2015, to comply with new Department of Education regulations we have been providing a milk scheme administered by Cool Milk which offers a 189ml portion of semi skimmed milk to all pupils in the school.

The milk is delivered every morning by Dairy Crest and comes in a carton with a straw and is stored in a fridge provided by Cool Milk until it is given to the children.

It is free to all children under 5 years old and to children who receive statutory Free School Meals.

For all other children it is available at a cost of 22p per day.

If you would like your child to have milk you must register with Cool Milk.

The easiest way to register is to do so online at www.coolmilk.com. Please use your computer or laptop to ensure a successful registration.

If you are unable to register online you can complete a registration form and this must be sent back to Cool Milk. Do not return these to the school office.

If you register online you can make payments immediately or you will receive a payment request within 2 days.

You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque.

Please pay by Tuesday 5pm for your child’s milk to start the following week.

If you have any questions regarding school milk please visit www.coolmilk.com or contact Cool Milk directly on 0844 854 2913.