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Ofsted Report

West Hill continues to be a Good School - February 2024

What is it like to attend this school?

  • "Relationships between staff and pupils are professional, positive and warm."
  • "Pupils’ safety and well-being is treated with the utmost importance by staff."
  • "The school offers a range of opportunities for pupils to try different activities. Many pupils attend various after-school clubs, such as dance, board games, sports and art."

 What does the school do well?

  • "Pupils generally demonstrate a secure understanding of what they have been taught. In recent national assessments at the end of Year 6, pupils’ attainment was in line with national averages."
  • "All pupils learn a wide range of subjects. They benefit from specialist teachers in subjects like physical education and music."
  • "The school identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) accurately and at an early stage."
  • "Reading is a daily part of school life here. The school uses a range of strategies to encourage pupils to read widely, such as visits from authors, attendance at local reading events where pupils can listen to poets and visits to the local library."
  • "Pupils are taught to respect different points of view and to do the right thing including through class discussions."

What does the school need to do to improve?

  • "Leaders are in the process of reviewing the curriculum across the school. Some changes to the curriculum are not fully embedded. The school should continue to embed the new curriculum."
  • "Sometimes, when teaching is not routinely well adapted for pupils’ abilities and needs, including those with SEND, some pupils’ concentration falters. The school should sharpen the adaptation of teaching so that the needs of all pupils are met securely across the curriculum."

Please read the full report here.