Diary Dates

West Hill is a welcoming, inclusive community school with children who thrive, a committed staff and a dedicated Governing Body.

We offer school places from Nursery (aged 3) through to year 6 (age 11).

We are a one form entry school so we have one class per year group.

In Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year 2) each class has a maximum of 30 children.  The nursery has a maximum of 16 children and is open all day.

The nursery and reception class have a full-time teacher along with teaching assistants.  Each class in years 1 – 6 have full-time teachers and a teaching assistant every morning.  Some classes also have learning support assistants who support children with a statement of special educational needs.

The school gates open at 8.30am and children are allowed into their classrooms from 8.40am to settle and for early work. The school day starts at 8.50am with registration in the classrooms and finishes at 3.10pm for Reception children and at 3.15pm for children from Year 1 to Year 6.

The Nursery morning session finishes at 11.50am and a full-time Nursery pupil will finish at 3.10pm.

Total hours in a typical week are 32.

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Year 6's PGL trip!

Prepare for a Scare!

Thank you Amazon

Year 3 Sculpture Work